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The Climate is Changing! OMG!
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The Climate is Changing! OMG!

And there's not a damn thing you can or should do about it. Revolt, Ep.1

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Man, I love being right. I will admit that a good I-TOLD-YOU-SO on a subject I’ve written about feels great. Being proven right by a Norwegian physics Nobel Prize laureate makes it all the sweeter.

I will put a link to my brilliant piece, from 2016, at the bottom of the post along with the validating post. Read the Daily Skeptic first. You should get that info straight from the qualified horse’s mouth first.

In the meantime I want to suggest something that pointier heads than my own can investigate to see if it is a basic truth. Climate “scientists” who are leading the charge for wrecking our economies by creating a false panic DON’T ACTUALLY STUDY CLIMATE. They are a pervasive species of “researcher”. They are everywhere and heavily funded by our government, the UN and companies in close alliance with both, as well as in alliances with the World Economic Forum.

They are well paid to do the following.


They take preconceived notions and create assumptions to support those notions. Then they run those notions through an algorithm based EVEN TODAY on the discredited hockey stick graph. They already know the result the computer will be spit out. This is NOT STUDY! This is modeling. AND all the assumptions are based on CO2 and sometimes stuff like sulfur.

If you ask nicely in the comments section I can tell you how I personally know the difference between modeling and studying.

There are thousands of things that effect our climate and the direction it is moving. CO2 is only one of them. There is no way in hell you can play with CO2 numbers and say with a scintilla of honesty say that we can throttle our atmospheric temperatures 50 years from now by even 0.0001 degree. It’s a lie! It’s junk science, not “settled” science.

When confronted by climate alarmists, here are a few questions you can jack them up with. They can’t be answered. We don’t have the requisite knowledge to do so. But they are the key to slapping down the alarmist propaganda.

  1. What is the optimum temperature of the Earth: surface, atmospheric, either one? If we are to be raping Western economies to fight rising temperatures, there must be a target right? If someone blurts out an answer feel free to laugh in their face. They’re lying.

  2. How can an abundance of CO2 cause drought and deluge, hot and cold, wild fires and no wild fires, more snow or less snow, more hurricanes or less. Charles Krauthammer hit the nail on the head (I’m not making fun of his name I swear) when he said, “Science that says one thing does everything is not science.” And he was a scientist.

  3. What is the optimum seal level? The oceans have been steadily rising for 10,000 years. Some years it’s faster, some slower. But it is a constant. The Chesapeake Bay use to be a low-lying marshy delta. Now it is a huge bay. This will continue to happen regardless of what we do. So what are we shooting for here? And how do we stop it when we get there?

  4. What is the optimum level of CO2 in the atmosphere? How much does all of our plant life need for optimum growth and health? If the alarmist answers, “we don’t know, but there’s too much already,” you can reject that out of hand. Without a number, that statement is completely without merit. It is a contrivance. It is certainly not scientific.

So, enjoy the articles and then come back and leave comment. Definitely subscribe if you enjoy my stuff. It is still free so you can get everything until I run out of shekels and yen. Hint: I am not a rich man. So if you want to keep up subscribe now.

Cheers all.

This is how we fight the nonsense!

The Daily Skeptic article

My review of the Climate Hustle relating to this discussion.

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