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Wind Farms: An Update.

Wind Farms: An Update.

Ep. 6 This MUST stop immediately!

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Insanity: Wind farm in Texas

I had teed up some great stuff on the great reset for this week. But that will have to wait until episode 7 or 8. What I have to say this week is critically important as a Revolt issue. But it is more important as an environmental issue. I’ll bet you never thought you hear that from me.

Take a good look at the picture above. It’s from Nature.com


  • 26 November 2018, How some wind turbines hog the breeze

The nature.com article brings some interesting points we’ll get into a bit later.

Look at the view in the background, now spoiled by a wind farm. Funny how the very people who have always talked about keeping our wilderness pristine and not defacing nature, now want to blanket the fruited plains with these wretched tinker toys. There are areas of the country where humans are not allowed to walk for fear of spoiling nature. But we can do this?!

What’s worse, in 15 years, when the lack of value these things hold is fully understood, these monstrosities will be broken rotting hulks blighting our landscape from sea to shining sea. The battle then will be who is responsible to get rid of them all.  How many billions will that cost?! To be sure the companies that scammed our tax dollars to build them will have declared bankruptcy and washed their hands of it all.

Meh, who cares. We just spent a combined $Trillion for “infrastructure” and “inflation fighting” which do nothing for what either word suggests. In fact, as we saw last week, Al Gore made a truth poopie and stated out loud the “Inflation” bill was, in reality, a green scam bill.

And, oh, by the way…in 2009, Barry Hussein spent $80 billion to convert us to a green economy. What happened to all that money?  Who got it?  We know a bunch of his donors opened a phony energy company, took billions then split with all the money (Solyndra).  Certainly we have never seen $80 BILLION worth of value. If we did there would be wind turbines and solar panels on every median of every highway in the country. $80 BILLION! By this time we should be up to our eyeballs in old batteries and solar panels we can’t get rid of (That’s in our future now too).

I regret that this was not my first installment in the series. The urgency of it has no equal. The first thing the new congress needs to do is rescind, in its entirety, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Defending it, people have said in effect, that it won’t reduce inflation right away, but eventually it will. That’s bullshit on an epic scale. And we MUST end all subsidies for these wretched tinker toys.

Left to their own devices, the Left will continue this insane spending. By the time any small blip of downward pressure prices might ever feel from the IRA we will have been deluged by further vote buying in the interim.  There will be NO reduction in inflation from a single Biden initiative; certainly not this one.

And what the Regime claims as anti-inflationary is exactly the opposite, as is all government spending. You cannot reduce prices; even on a sector level by sending a tidal wave of newly printed money into that sector. You directly CAUSE inflation. That law is as certain as gravity.

“Green” spending eats up almost all of this bill. And the photo above demonstrates the folly of how the Regime intends to go “green”.

I’ve been telling people this for years. Wind is a form of energy. While you cannot destroy that energy, you can convert it. That’s what wind turbines do. They convert wind (kinetic) energy into mechanical energy and then into electrical energy.

But no one is asking, “What happens to the wind?” And that is where the problems with wind farms immediately cascade.

The Nature.com article points demonstrates that wind farms, on land and at sea, compete with each other to capture wind. If you put up a multi-billion dollar wind farm intended to grab the prevailing winds, and I put one as many as 10 miles upwind of yours, your turbines will not run at capacity. They will not generate the electricity they were designed to put out.

When someone else puts up a farm upwind from me, now my turbines are crippled. And so it is going today. This alone should point out the folly of wind power on an industrial level. We’ve been told that wind is a natural and unlimited source of power. But it’s not. It’s very limited. And it is notoriously unreliable even without the competing tinker toys.

More important than wind scammers robbing each other of the primary resource, there are natural considerations at work here. Surface winds have a very important job to do. Soil, seed, bugs, birds and the Green Holy of Holies, temperatures rely heavily on the natural movement of surface winds.

Nature.com reports that areas downwind can see productive wind substantially reduced as far away as 50 kilometers (31 miles) by a large wind farm. The scammers and their cheerleaders want to build wind farms all over the US! This must not happen. It’s ugly. It’s unreliable. It’s self-defeating.

Do you want to go private with wind and solar?  Fine!

A case to be made for private wind and solar systems. It is certainly a good thing if you or I wish to have a transfer switch to use or sell the power we produce onto the grid. You could sink a well and use wind or solar to water your garden or augment household water.

But that comes with a reasonable condition. YOU pay for it! If you sell power onto the grid, THAT is your incentive. THAT is your subsidy. Your decision to use sun and wind for YOUR power is YOUR business. AND you pay to dispose of the old batteries and solar panels. You neighbors will appreciate you maintaining YOUR wind turbine as well. If it gets squeaky or rattles and your neighbors beat the shit out of you, I’m with your neighbors. They are not a part of your personal crusade.

When I posted this previously, it was at this point I would bring the solutions. But since then, the WEF and Brandon have doubled down on stupid and are going great guns to build wind farms where our fisheries are. Eh, no matter. You’ll be eating bugs soon anyway. “And you will be happy”.

So there will be solutions in a bit.

The new stupid

A few months ago, Joe Duh was instructed to issue a new mandate. No boats over 35 feet in length may travel at more then 10 Knots. Why? Because a Right Whale was killed (POSSIBLY) by a boater.

In recent weeks, the green scammers have been out sounding the depths to locate their hideous wind monsters. And Whales are now washing up onshore at an alarming rate. If they all had a brain cell between them, they’d have known this activity would have been a problem.

Cruising up and down the coast banging away with sonar frightens and confuses the sea mammals. We’ve known to not do that where the mammals won’t have a place to retreat to since before WWII.

But, as with every aspect of the sick dystopia these cultists are trying to create, they have plunged in head long with zero consideration of consequences - almost ALL of which are bad.

They are LYING about not noticing them!

First, as we see in the picture above from Texas, the windmills will blight the coastline. You will be looking at those ridiculous things as far as the eye can see in both directions, while sitting on the beach or surf fishing. The green scammers say NOW, Oh, no. These things will be so far out to sea you’ll barely notice them. But that, even they already know is a lie. Transmission from these things will be expensive. They’re not going to run 15 miles of cable out to the windmills. The power loss would be crazy. Hell, no. They will go the shortest distance possible. And they will lie to you about having to look at these things.



As demonstrated earlier, if we put up row upon row of windmills, they won’t produce what the salesman said they would. Whatever the capacity of a pinwheel in the third row might be when facing the wind, will be diminished by the pinwheels in front of it. So the green scammers will be building inefficiency. They know that. They don’t care. They’re getting multiple billions to just put them up. That they won’t be worth the efforts matters not at all.

These WILL kill lots of birds!

Birds of all sorts migrate along the coast and fish in these places. Their path typically takes them north and south along the coast. They don’t understand these big, stupid windmills. They will fly where instinct takes them. They will do their best to dodge the blades until they get through, or get struck by a blade. And they would have to repeat the process at he next idiotic set of blades. Then again, then again.

We get our food here!

AND people fish these waters as well. The construction alone of the idiot pinwheels will destroy the fisheries for years. Here they are already spinning up the lie machine, saying they will build this worthless junk in the most unobtrusive, nature friendly way possible. It won’t matter what they say. They are tearing up the sea bed, again and again, thousands of times.

A wind turbine makes a noise. You won’t hear it from shore. But the noise of the reduction gear will be transferred to the seabed and surrounding water…multiplied thousands of times. And it won’t be transient, like a passing boat or a ship. It will be constant. If any green scammer says he knows what that will do to sea life and that it won’t hurt them, he is a lying piece of shit.

So again, with that consideration, we are talking about disrupting sea life and fisheries in ways incalculable. The problem isn’t that we don’t know ALL the answers. When it comes to HOW MUCH damage will be done, we know almost none of the answers. And the things we do know are ALL BAD. We must stop! We cannot go ahead with this reckless nonsense. NO ONE will benefit at anywhere near the level advertised. The expense will be unimaginable! And the motivations are pure greed, not social good or efficiency. Greed would be okay if we would actually get the other two, but we won’t. Not with this.

And by the way, with all these whales washing up - there will be many more - where are all the nature loving, animal kissing liberal do gooders? Why aren’t they ahead of me in line, getting this insanity shut down? Hypocritical bastards.

The solutions!

First, the governors of New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia and the Carolina’s MUST END all construction of these wind toys off their coastlines. The destruction they will cause far outweighs even the most exaggerated benefits claimed by green scammers. A state governor’s first loyalty is to the state’s citizens, NOT the federal government. And the restrictions must include all fisheries your states use.

And there is a bullet–proof solution. But I am running long here. You’ll still get blow back. This has been the best idea since the 1950’s and people have fought it constantly. The “Greenies” fight it because they are clueless as to what is actually good for the environment. Their passions are founded in politics and polishing their activist resumes, not reality. You’ll also get push back from the nuclear industry as well because this idea IS nuclear but doesn’t net as much profit and doesn’t produce fuel for nuclear weapons. But it does some really awesome shit.

I’ll pull forward another article and we’ll get into what it is and the mind-blowing benefits of this technology in the next segment. Pay attention!!! The next segment is the most critical discussion we should be having right now.

Trust me.  You really do want to catch the next episode!

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People you should be screaming at: Find your Republican SERVANTS on this link.  CALL them and tell them to get hot on this NOW!  Hell, call the Dems too.  You might find one or two who won't get loose stools over it.

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