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Fall In Energy Revolt Podcast
Smart Cities, Palestine and More Covid Nonsense.
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -20:30

Smart Cities, Palestine and More Covid Nonsense.

Ep 10 Government Nutbaggery and Your Future

The Palestinians are pissed at the Regime…

…and I’m not talking about the lovely people in the eastern Mediterranean. I’m talking about the people in Ohio who have been given the middle finger salute from the White House, across all relevant departments.

As events there unfolded I knew there would be lots of finger pointing and dumb press releases. That people would try to blame Trump was a sure bet. But even cynical, super-critical little me WAS NOT prepared for the level of shit heel behavior we’ve seen from the Brandon Circus.

And it was across the board. We’ll start with the EPA guy running around drinking water, smiling and saying, See? No problem. He knows as well as anyone in his position how long it will be before the water supply becomes contaminated, if it ever does.

No matter who is in office by that time, anticipate years of foot-dragging by the same EPA saying, oh, hell no! We tested that water in ‘23 at is was fine. Then there will be the inevitable lawsuits and sickness or death before any kind of assistance comes to these people.

And what will be in the food supply when it grows from the ground that was under the chemical cloud? For at least the rest of this Regime, and likely into the next, you will see an endless crush of propaganda about how there’s nothing wrong with the soil and how ungrateful these people are after everything Brandon did for them, which is so far, nothing.

And then there’s FEMA. The Federal Emergency Management Agency. What was it about this emergency that it doesn’t rate FEMA’s attention? It took me a minute to get it. Oh, that’s right! Mike DeWine, Ohio Governor, is swimming in railroad money which includes Norfolk Southern money. He talked a good game. The railroads did it, they need to clean it up!

He’s got a point. NSR is certainly on the hook for a butt load of damage and an explanation for the big burn versus clean up. BUT, if DeWine had declared a disaster, then the the federal government would have been on the hook and Congress then would have LOUDLY demanded their pound of flesh, as opposed to the empty posturing you see right now. DeWine isn’t about to let his buddies take it in the shorts. They’ll all take their chances in court long after DeWine is gone.

Throughout the previous weeks the cry has been Where’s POTUS? Where’s Mayor Pete? To me, that discussion was the comic relief in the situation. They had NO INTENTION of coming. They were sitting their fat asses in DC telling Palestine that the air and water were okay. But they had NO INTENTION of breathing that poison air themselves. Finally, it all got too much to ignore. So Brandon sent Pete to breath the poison while he high tailed it for Poland.

This will all unwind as another, ugly Love Canal or Flint MI. I’m old enough to remember the people of Love Canal being told they were full of shit and to shut up. There was a fire sale on politicians that year.

They play you like suckers. Are you suckers? We’ll see.

And these are the people who demand your trust for a raft of garbage you know, in your heart, is all wrong - all of it.

To wit:

We are now in the FOURTH iteration of KNOWING that The Wuhan came from a lab. We’ve known it since before we started using the term Covid. Patient zero was an employee of the lab. Scientists who got the actual genetic code of the virus said it smacked of engineering. Two scientists close to His Holiness Cardinal Fauci told him in an email the Wuhan lab made the crud. Congress has the email thread! But Fauci bought both scientists of with a $9M payday, er…um…grant.

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Since then the question has repeatedly bubbled up from one agency or another, saying the disease likely came from a lab, that is was engineered. Then each time talking points would be issued to the Dem fluffers in the media and Big Tech to label any truth about the origins of Covid “misinformation”. This will just be a repeat of that same old saw. Probably before this podcast drops I will be getting hounded on social media. This despite what we have all known to be true for 3 years now.

But you are expected to unknow it. Flush it down the memory hole like good little proles. And many of you will. Some will out of fear. And some because the argument has become tribal and you will pretend not to know it to please people who couldn’t care less if you fell in a sinkhole. The Regime is counting on you all.

But wait! There’s more!

Also, this week I came across a few articles discussing Ivermectin and the government propaganda surrounding it. One article, in particular, I cross-posted here on The Revolt. It’s by John Leake at Courageous Discourse.

A few minutes ago I spoke of how the government, state and local, have conspired to deny Palestine, OH the help they’d normally get in a disaster. This is to save a little face, protect DeWine’s donors and save a few billion dollars.

Well, when Trump kicked Big Pharma into high gear to make meds and vaccines for the Wuhan, the government spent hundreds of billions with paydays just as big promised to drug companies in the future. That’s why Pfizer picked up where the Wuhan lab left off ENGINEERING COVID! They want to keep those big paydays rolling in.

At any rate, early on, it was very quickly discovered that some doctors were getting very good results using Ivermectin to treat the Wuhan. The CDC, the FDA, the AMA and the incredibly arrogant Fauci, all cut loose against these doctors. They were brutal in their Stalinist denunciations. But they were having trouble getting traction. Keep in mind, at this time, we still didn’t have a primary treatment tailored for Covid. Everything was experimental. But money was being spent and the drug companies needed to protect their windfall.

People were asking their doctors to try Ivermectin. And the brave ones did for a while, reporting good outcomes. So the Regime and the cronies were flummoxed. At one point Joe Rogan announced he had used Ivermectin for his case of Red Death and he believed it curtailed the symptoms. But at this point, there had been no study done. Our experience was anecdotal. So we can’t know for sure if experiences with Ivermectin were just the lucky people who didn’t get too severe a case of Covid or if the drug actually worked. And we’ll likely never know.

Then, in support of the Regime’s interests, Don Lemon comes up with some adolescent snark about Joe Rogan taking horse dewormer for Covid. The media had a laugh line to obediently promote and the CDC et al, got the talking point they needed to scare people off any meds that were not a part of the Regime’s plan. The cronies drug companies were likely ecstatic.

For the record, there is a veterinary version of Ivermectin. But as you may have read in the cross-post from CD, developers of the version used by humans for several things now, were awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine. So Lemon (we all know now he is a lesser man than Joe Rogan and his days on air are numbered) got his girly lick in and all consideration of Ivermectin stopped. And thanks to the same obedient fluffer, we may never get a true test of the drug against Covid, or possibly anything else. There are still lots of big paydays out there for Big Pharma. They don’t want you dabbling in cheap stuff that might actually WORK!

It’s why they do what they do. They think you won’t fight back.

This is a big day for The Revolt. This is my 10th podcast. That may not seem significant to you. And why would it?

Before I started 10 weeks ago, I listened to an expert on a podcast about…podcasting. It featured Chris Hutchins. He was a giant in the corporate world. He did amazing work for several companies, built and sold a few of his own and then started podcasting. He did a lot of market research and found that true consistency was pretty rare. In fact, he said, if you publish 1 podcast per week for 10 weeks, and you’ve dropped one in the last 10 days, you are in the top 4% of podcasters in terms of content generated.

So I decided I would do exactly that…twice…simultaneously. I had no idea the work I had cut out for myself. But I did it. This is number 10 for The Revolt and over at P4B Number 10 drops next Tuesday.

And they are all real content. I didn’t hold my puppy up and call that a podcast. I put out the real deal every time.

This Sustack publication was created to provide a genuine opportunity for YOU to fight back against the forces I described in my last segment. And I said in this segment they think you won’t.

So far, my experience seems to indicate they are correct. I know a lot of keyboard warriors and phony fighters. I know very few who are willing to gut it up and do something.

And you remain docile at your own peril. The things I rail against here, all being foisted on you as blessings, are the things that will drive us into the abyss. Based on what I’ve discussed on The Revolt and at the P4B recently, who’s to say we can avoid the abyss anyway? But everything these political huckster are hustling is a blueprint for absolute disaster for us. They seek a permanent hold on power for themselves and their heirs.

And this isn’t politics as usual. Politics has always had a smarmy underbelly. We have known individual politicians in our history who had no sense of honor or duty. People like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and George Santos leap to mind. But they go all the way back to Hamilton recruiting nobodies to unbalance elections and publishing scandalous lies to discredit better men.

What we see today is different. This isn’t just one or two skanky people in powerful positions taking advantage of the system and bullying others into submission. This is a cabal, an army of political whores working in perfect unison with crony corporations and foreign meddlers to utterly remake our nation, our culture and our lives into their personal playthings.

Blackrock, Vanguard, Fed banks, Union banks, Obama, Kerry, McConnell, Romney, head of both party operations, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, The WEF/ Davos Cult, Al Gore, the people who pull Biden’s strings (probably Obama, Rice, Klain and Jarett)…

These people are fully mobilized and deeply embedded into the fabric of our government and businesss with one mission. The complete control of every aspect of life. They are the creatures who will bring you the dark side of the smart cities we will discuss in our next segment. They want the power to turn off your house, your car and your money with a keystroke. These are the people who destroyed lives, and who led you by the nose with Covid as your boogie man. These are the people who STILL insist you put the vax in your kid’s arm when we STILL know nothing of the long term effects of it. And we’ve known for almost three years kids are not targets of the virus and are terrible vectors for it.

And, SO FAR, it looks to me like you are going to let them win. Prove me wrong! Roll with us! It’s free. And if we get enough people with the guts to roll with us, it just might motivate the few honest creatures left in the political zoo take some action.

At the very least we will put the meddlers in a very difficult situation. There are links at the top and bottom of this post you can use to take action. Use them all.

But this I promise you. Soon - VERY SOON - it will be too late.

Soldier on. Pay in cash.

So what the f**k is a Smart City?

I’ve included a video showing us the incredible miracles a smart city scheme can provide. Health, emergency services, engineering, traffic control, transportation efficiency. There are too many cool things to mention. Be sure to watch the video at the end of the podcast.

In the meantime, think about this. Onstar can unlock your car - and start it - or kill it. Do you think the loonies I speak of here aren’t fully prepared to take advantage of that technology?

Along with the cool shit Smart Cities provide - in fact those are the carrots - come dark and unstoppable intrusions by Big Brother into your life. That would be the stick. And it’s a big, nasty stick.

Through your cell phone, your fitbit, your car, your electronic business cards, through facial recognition, these brilliant, shining cities will become your prison. Big Brother will know everything about your life - who you visit, stores you buy from, habits that are typically private, WHERE YOU ARE AT ALL TIMES. Through the use of AI, and by logging your movements (yes, they’ll be able to track many thousands of people at a time and store the data) they will very quickly know more about you than you know yourself. By manipulating your currency (that’s why we have US digital dollars now) and your credit card, they will control what you buy and where you buy it.

But, you say, they wouldn’t do that! Why would they? They just want us to have a clean safe city.

Must I remind you who we are talking about here? They are the people putting windmills where our fisheries used to be, and across every presently scenic vista in the country. They are the people who WILL outlaw gas appliances. They are the people putting idiot DAs and AGs in your cities, turning them into war zones. They are the people benefiting from the Ukraine war. They are the “Green energy” people whose environmental conferences are sponsored by CHINESE fossil fuel companies. They are the people who say you will own nothing and be happy (their words, not mine). They are the people who have declared the meat will be only for rich people (their words, not mine). They are the people who have DECLARED that in the future THEY will restrict your travel, how often you buy a car, how many article of clothing you buy, and that YOU WILL eat bugs. And don’t even consider buying a firearm.

And the technology below is a very basic example of the tools they’ll use to fence you in and control you, even predict your movements.

The Cities will be primarily brought to you by a company called Arup. These are the city planners of the Davos/WEF cult. The company is bent on creating a fascist “green” dystopia.

As I often say, don’t take my word for it. Do your research into Klaus Schwab, the WEF, George Soros and all the other Davos loonies. Listen to them stroke each other and talk about their brave new world where they will later slit each other’s throats to dominate.

Watch the video below and consider what you already know about CCTV, facial recognition and AI. Even without AI, you’ve seen the monitors on every street in London, for example, where little squares appear around the faces of every single person in the frame. The system is processing and noting who is where.

Given the pliability of our present Regime, it would be child’s play for these people to enact every nightmare they are cooking up for you.

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