Fall In Energy Revolt Substack
Fall In Energy Revolt Podcast
This IS happening to YOU right now!

This IS happening to YOU right now!

Ep.4 Loony Klaus, Loony Gore, Brandon lies and me channeling Megyn Markle

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The birth of the Revolt

There are lots of articles to go with this one one the Substack.

Gear up!

Before I get to my tale of woe, I can’t let Al Gores load of BS at Davos go unanswered. I will leave a link at the bottom of this post so you can see his advertisement for the companies he owns who will collect YOUR tax dollars to pretend to save the planet. There is so much nutbaggery packed into 10 minutes, it’s like getting blasted with crazy through a fire hose.

I will commit to a series devoted solely to this short video and break down the pathetic nature of it over the next few weeks. I always say you shouldn’t take my word for stuff and to do your own research. And you should. But in that link you’ll have the garbage straight from the horse’s mouth.

What the series will do it take the time to break the video into digestible chunks so you don’t have to. If you are reading this you probably have jobs and responsibilities. So at least you’ll get the evidence and I will take the time to parse it for you.

My sad story

My first segment is a real Megyn Markle level personal gripe, but it is a gripe with national implications that you really need to come to terms with. If left uncontested, the next ESG nail will be hammered into our national coffin.

A few weeks back She-who-must-be-obeyed finally threw in the towel on our electric range. Any professional chef will tell you that cooking with electric elements is a joke if you want consistent, quality results. She was sick of waiting for elements to heat up and cool down. And there are styles of cooking she’d like to try that can’t be done on an electric range.

Now, we are not rich. I have debt and a truck…and a Navy retirement check. The idea of switching to gas would require a propane bottle. This street still has no NG gas line. And I’m not amped about crawling under my house, running the pipe and buying a new range. But we started to shop ranges. What Mama wants, Mama gets.

We found one that I thought was a good price, $780. I thought wow, maybe we can do this. We decided we’d get the black iron pipe run by a pro and supply the stove ourselves.

When we had some good quotes, I went back to order the stove. In the ensuing week, the stove had gone up to $1399! (on sale, they say) But of course!

Between the time Lyn put the gypsy curse on the electric stove and now, a real piece of work named Gary Palmer, of the Consumer Products Safety Commission let the cat out of the bag on where the Regime is going on gas stoves - they’re banning them.

The idiotic, but very real threat was allowed to float out there for a while before the Regime lied and said they were not considering such a ban.

Here is a little history, even if we set ESG aside, that indicates to me that they have every intention of doing just that:

A few years ago, we were approached by the electric company and asked to install a smart meter on the house. It won’t cost a thing and it is purely voluntary they said. It will help you budget your utilities and see where you could save money!

I consulted with Admiral Wifey on the issue. We decided that the meter was NOT there for our benefit. It was there so the utility, acting as an agent of the government, could monitor our electricity usage. We declined their kind offer.

Just over a year ago, we were approached again. But this time we were told a smart meter is not voluntary. Actually the way the terse letter put it, the meter was still voluntary, but if we refused it, our electric bill would go up by $25 to $40 dollars a month.

Now, what service industry of ANY kind would make a move like that without the explicit approval, if not the direct involvement, of a government agency? I’ll help you out here: No company or utility would do that. Especially utilities. They don’t wipe their asses without checking with the government first. And I couldn’t afford the jack on my utility bill.

Here’s another, far more wide-ranging example. About 5 years ago we started hearing about China’s Social Credit Score. That’s a twisted government monstrosity designed to give the ChiComms complete control over their population.

How horrendous, we said here. Politicians, especially Lefties for some reason, ran to every camera, microphone or DC tour group to denounce SCS as a tool that would never be tried here. When I questioned this reaction and said the SCS was just the kind of control the Left would envy, I was practically shouted off the interwebs.

And now we have ESG, copied chapter and verse from the ChiComms and being enacted here. NOW! The Regime has credit card companies reporting your gun purchases to them. Those smart meters are telling them if you are using power like an obedient little prole - or not. Companies like Blackrock, up to their eyeballs in money from Uncle Stinky for a number of behavioral engineering programs, are throwing their weight around boardrooms to get ESG considered when you apply for a mortgage or car loan. And they are making headway QUICKLY! The ChiComm Social Credit Score is HERE and the Regime is implementing it. If we don’t reverse this now, the day will quickly come when you won’t even be able to speak out without risking your power to buy food…or your power to power your home. Don’t doubt me on this.

And how do I know this? Because the Regime consistently says what they would NEVER do. And then does it. And all of this is brought to you by the World Economic Forum. Read the Great Reset*. And hit the button.

Get in the game. Fight!

So there it is. The upshot of the announcement about gas stoves is going to result in a run on gas stoves by people who, like us, have been putting the option off for a long time. The appliance stores know this. And prices are already jumping! In itself, my personal problem is a real Markle. But you need to think about the implications to your personal liberties across the board.

And oh, BTW, NY is already openly putting a gas stove ban in place.

Bastards. Or as Christopher Walken would put it, “Joey, your congressman, he’s a whore.”

One more thing about this gas issue specifically. The Regime is still working to destroy the energy sector so rich elites of the the WEF can corner it. They’re half way there. And utilities are creatures of the federal government. They have state and local regs to follow, but Uncle Stinky has them by the giblets. So, the government is narrowing your options for energy consumption. It allows them to centralize power distribution in such a way that our usage can be controlled by the provider with the push of a button. No confrontation with homeowners when they try to shut off your gas at the street.

They already control how much gasoline we can put in our cars. They fully intend to get us all into electric cars sold by their subsidized creatures in the auto industry.

Through pressure brought on the financial industry by government cronies like Blackrock, Vanguard and the Fed banks they are flexing their credit card manipulation muscle. They’ve created code to return information about gun purchases. That was just a trial balloon. They fully intend to store and use the gun info. But now the concept of using your card against you has been proven out. Once they’ve solidified these programs, try buying gas…or anything… after you’ve done something to disappoint Bill Gates or Klaus Schwab.

If you already have heat and hot water powered by electricity they can kill that with a keystroke. WE CANNOT ALLOW THEM TO ADVANCE ONE STEP FURTHER. If you have gas powered appliances KEEP THEM…

…and roll with us.

The Revolt

I’ve been banging away at a theme lately. Phony fighting. I see, on all my social network feeds, no end of people calling for us to TAKE OUR NATION BACK and FIGHT THE ESTABLISHMENT and CLOSE THE BORDER!

I thought sure the Revolt (simple, legal, non-violent and very effective) would catch on like wild fire. I was wrong. I have by no means given up on the idea. If anything I become more committed each day. It will happen eventually.

But it is sobering to see how many keyboard “warriors” there are out there without the nerve to actually act. The obvious ones are the goofballs who just post short, loaded questions to get likes and shares/RTs, etc. We all know they are not serious.

But there are many with a lot to say, who do only that - say.

It’s time to gut it up. As Elvis said: A little less conversation and a little more action.

And in the case of the Revolt, the action couldn’t be easier. Gear up or soap your windows with simple slogans, drive slow and roll with friends when you can. That’s it. The effect is self-explanatory and the results, over time - predictable.

The text below the audio line will have all the buttons you need to be a part of the Revolt. Show some grit and hit the buttons at the top of the page.


Buckle up, troops. I am going to layout something astonishing here. If you have not researched ESG before, this is going to sound super nutty. I’ve done my research. I have listened to the creepy German dude talk about his intentions to leverage banks and governments to ruin your life. And armed with that knowledge, I can hardly imagine all this, while I am reporting it.

Don’t take my word for it! Run a search on Klaus Schwab, ESG, the Great Reset (their words, not mine) and the World Economic Forum (WEF). If you don’t know what is being done to you, you can’t fight back.

Watch out for straw arguments!

One of the weapons the architects of ESG and The Great Reset is to label articles like this one a conspiracy theory. But the World Economic Forum, creepy Klaus Schwab, the ChiComms, Bill Gates and a group called Arup are actively creating all the things we’ll talk about here…RIGHT NOW, AS WE SPEAK!

To cases…

This is a SHORT LIST of what THEY have said THEY will control by 2030 (THAT’S 7 YEARS, KIDS!).

YOU will be limited to 1 short-haul flight per person, per year. Their long-term goal is 1 per 3 years. No long haul. You’ll stay where you are put and vacation where you are told to vacation.

YOU will be told how much food you can consume and meat will be declared BY THE WEF an occasional treat. Klaus Schwab (the creepy German guy) said himself that meat will be only for the rich. YOU will be TOLD how many calories you can consume. We’ll tie the list together in a bit. But to promote this point, European governments, overrun by WEF lunatics, have declared red meat a carcinogen. Did you get that, not doctors, the government.

YOU will not be permitted to buy more than one laptop, iPhone, tablet every 7 years.

YOU will keep your car for 15 years. Their long term goal is 50 years. Cuba much?

YOU will be pressured, if not outright ordered, to move into one of their “smart cities” (That’s where Arup comes in. They are a planning group consisting of Fabian socialists. Imagine John Maynard Keynes on mushrooms.) Look at history and ask yourself what has happened when government lunatics have ordered populations into or out of cities. I mean, what could go wrong? How about some Pol Pot or Mao Zedung with that?

YOU will be told how many article of clothing you can purchase per year. The conservative goal is 8 articles. The ambitious goal is 3.

As I said, this is a short list of maniacal realities that are already taking shape in the UNITED STATES - TODAY!. The present Regime is totally in bed with these people. That is why Brandon is DECLARING tens of millions of acres of land completely off limits to any activity. Do you think HE thought that up? Hell no, he was instructed to announce it by the very people who are ushering in the Great Reset (Again, Klaus Schwab and John Kerry’s term, not mine).

It’s amazing to watch these people. They sit in countless committees (who else has a committee for everything? Anyone? That’s right, Communists). They hold endless “workshops”. In these workshops they devise ever more programs that will (and they say this stuff to each other with a straight face just to get it on record) save the planet and enhance diversity and inclusion.

No it won’t! None of their lunacy will do that.

Everyone in those working groups envision themselves as part of the elite who will make up the “Secretariat”. They are devising a world where they will have all the advantages. And through the use and denial of food, currency, energy, upward mobility and decision making, YOU will be left defenseless. You will be the lowest and most helpless form of the Orwellian prole.

If there is any inclusion, it won’t include YOU. If there is any diversity, YOU won’t experience any meaningful form of it. And don’t even think about “equity” as empty as that term already is in modern parlance. YOU won’t enjoy a second of it.

The mechanisms needed to create this Sick New World are already well underway. Companies like Blackrock, having already harvested multiple billions of our tax dollars, are buying up interests in the same energy sector their Green Weeny propaganda says they are fighting against. This is to keep the fossil fuel industry dormant while they wring out their cash cow, phony green projects. It was awarded them by the government - a public-private partnership - the death knell of free markets everywhere. They will use it to build windmills and solar farms. YOU paid for the tinker toys with money borrowed in your name, AGAIN. But THEY will reap all the profits.

Bill Gates and his WEF partners, the ChiComms are buying up massive swaths of farmland in the US. Gates says he is doing it to fight Climate Change. He’s not. He’s doing it so he can corner major market segments and foist his fake meat and his own brand of GMO corn on everyone.

Do you remember when GMO was a curse word? One of my own relatives was an anti-GMO fanatic. He stated plainly that hungry kids in Africa should be allowed to starve before being given a single kernel of GMO corn. It had to do with possible side effects when they turned 60. As if anyone had a clue what those effect, if any, could possibly be. But now that Bill Gates is doing it, IN AFRICA, it’s just ducky.

Jordan Schachtel lays this out nicely here. In fact I will cross post this article as well. The WEF and Arup put their phony, do-gooder nonsense in print. This is THEIR document. The assumptions are wild and unsubstantiated. Their presumptuousness about “collective” action and impositions on the individuals would be comical if these people weren’t intent on inflicting it. They are a caricature, a living stereotype of the the 60s era communist idealists. At the same time, they are the very people THEY warned us about in the 60s. Now that they have everything they want, they feel it’s time to end the free market practices that got them there.

The most shocking realization I’ve come to is that there are people in the UNITED STATES that want this to happen. They are totally on board. They don’t understand that they are targets of the abuse like everyone else, because they don’t understand the need for a free market.

And many of their tribe exist today in your local, state and federal government. This includes the people who handle Brandon. The people who hide in the dark and pull his strings are the most dangerous people in the US.

Solutions. I always try to bring solutions.

I will leave the obvious go-to aside for the moment.

In his book, the Great Reset, Beck brought up a quote from Solzhenitsyn. It is basically the first and most critical step in fighting back against the kind of loony propaganda we get from the WEF and the Regime. Simply DO NOT participate in the lies.

“Even if all is covered by lies, even if all is under their rule, let us resist in the smallest way: Let their rule not hold through me.

“And this is the way to break the out of the imaginary encirclement of our inertness, the easiest way for us and the most devastating for the lies. For when people denounce lies, lies simply cease to exist.”

If you extrapolate that logic out to it’s obvious end, by taking the first step and committing to never participating in lies, even those good for our own tribe or agenda, we are moving toward the destruction of the liars.

So start by making that commitment. Reject lies outright - even when it might be a bit uncomfortable. Don’t let lies take root through you. In the context of this discussion, don’t be a part of what will surely be the ruin of the American Experiment. Fight back. And denouncing the lies, consistently, is how you throw the first punch.

Be strong. Soldier on. Cheers.

Thanks for joining me here at the Revolt. Send inquiries to Poriverproductions@gmail.com

* That is not a paid link. I haven’t had an Amazon affiliate account for years. I just want you to have the information. Beck may be weird and his cartoon voices are really bad, as are mine. But his research is consistently spot on.

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