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Fall In Energy Revolt Podcast
China and the WEF, plus Rand Paul on spending. And MUST SEE videos.

China and the WEF, plus Rand Paul on spending. And MUST SEE videos.

Ep. 8 A Gordian Knot of Lunacy

This is another multimedia podcast. So you can break it up or you can follow along in the text if you want. And then later come back and watch the videos. They are really important.

In recent weeks I have tried to define the WEF cult and point to some of their attacks on our Republic. These attacks have been assisted by countless “American” political whores like Al Gore, John Kerry, Joe Biden, Barry O, BJ Bill’s wife and many, many more.

In the context of today’s discussions it will be difficult in the space of one show to provide detailed solutions, which is something I always try to do. The go to solution is of course, Rolling With Us. Join the Revolt and participate in a movement designed to disrupt the take-over of the United States by foreign actors, including China, and their agents. Those are the people in the last paragraph.

As part of this podcast there will be two videos. The first is one I pulled from another Substack publication. It is part of a larger discussion about international conflict. But we must face it here in light of our discussion last week.


I mentioned that the Chinese have hitched their wagons to the Davos cult and the World Economic Forum (WEF). And we got a laugh out of the fact that one of the cult’s renewable energy charades was sponsored by a Chinese fossil fuel company. The Chinese are among the dirtiest polluters IN THE WORLD! So while it is interesting so speculate how they came to be so embraced by the cult - and we may explore all that later - it is more important to consider WHY a violent, communist dictatorship is gettin’ jiggy wit a bunch of hyper-rich Western blue bloods.

The short and obvious answer is their common goal of destroying the United States as a constitutional entity and as a center of power. But for China the move is wildly desperate, as you’ll see in the first clip.

When a nation faces the challenges China faces today, that nation seeks friends wherever they can find them. In this case they have sought the cooperation of people who have linked powerful banks, tech firms and utterly corrupt government officials throughout the West. This is for the purpose of usurping what should be the sovereign power of respective governments unto themselves.

While these filthy rich, amoral loonies ARE ACTUALLY BUILDING their Xanadu for themselves, China sees their efforts as a way to stay at the table and relevant. Well, that’s my theory at the moment.

Take a look at one informed man’s assessment of China’s present predicament.

Pause the audio and return when the first video is over. Double click, then click once.

I am not as confident of a Chinese collapse as Peter Zaihan. At least I don’t think they’ll go down without wrecking everything first. And if Xi can’t keep China’s nose above the waterline from Beijing, he thinks he can hijack the Davos cult to do it for him.

China’s association with the WEF is not new. They have been squirming into the cult since BJ Bill got them Permanent Trading Partner status (for some hefty fees) and W gained their entree into the World Trade Organization. Incredible!

While in office, Clinton had bent over backward to hand feed the Chinese everything they asked for. He had the Loral Corporation provide them with much needed technology to solve a telemetry problem they had been unable to solve. This gave a Communist dictatorship the leg up they needed to successfully fire missiles! I remember wondering at what Clinton must have been thinking! Later I heard about all the Chinese money sloshing through his campaign and the DNC and it all made sense.

At one point he ordered our computer technology should be shared with this same dictatorship. When this came to light (both the computers and the missile help were done secretly) Clinton had his press flack tell us that it was only computer technology that COULD NOT be used for military purposes. I’d like to know what kind of computer technology that would be. If anyone actually believes lines like that, drop me a comment so I can help you understand reality.


Clinton’s paychecks for all this largess would likely have flown under the radar if Al Gore hadn’t been caught laundering Asian money through a Buddhist Temple. Poor Al. He never had the Clinton knack for quietly shaking down foreigners for cash.

But we did find out…and nothing happened. Thanks to Janet Reno slow walking and muddying her investigations the money issue died. Congress was no help. Corrupt sycophants would scream, “It’s all about sex!”, no matter what Clinton offense you questioned. John Glenn ran out the clock on the Thompson Committee using the same line, and got a free ride into space for carrying Clinton’s spit bucket. Glenn the space hero! Glenn the Marine!…Glenn the shameless shill.

China’s insane ascendancy became inevitable when Bush 43 got them into the WTO. Politicians and corporate giants immediately saw 1 billion new customers and were willing to do ANYTHING to cash in. Microsoft, Facebook (Meta) and Google (Alphabet) rolled over and served Xi in ways they wouldn’t consider doing here. They have tarted themselves up to be social justice warriors, here in the States. They are no such thing. But to keep the false facade, they had refused to cooperate with our government on projects, the military and even murder investigations. The snowflakes love them for this.

As an aside, techies are now happy to help OUR government intimately spy on you. It is fashionable now. It is what the WEF has been fighting for for years. The tech giants took what they learned building China’s Social Credit Score and are building a carbon copy of it here, ESG. That’s your Environmental, Social and Governance score. And it puts the government, and their cronies, squarely up your ass with a microscope.

More on that here.

The Chinese have become expert at walking in uninvited and taking over. They know there are millions of corrupt politicians and businessmen, spouting worn-out do-gooder phrases from the 60’s who will happily take tons of cash to help the Chinese dictatorship worm their way into centers of influence. The Chinese learned that playing on Clinton greed.

They now own half of South America. Jair Bolsonaro was the last, best hope for fighting off the ChiComms in Brazil. With the socialist Lula back in power, taking Brazil will now be a walk-over for Xi, with every “do-gooder”, including Lula, holding their hands out for baksheesh.

And why not? They see American politicians doing exactly the same thing, allowing China to buy up millions of acres of farmland (and Thorium deposits) and buying up our businesses or setting up their own here. And we don’t require them to GIVE UP 51% of the business to us, as is done in China. All our politicians need is a bit of personal grease.

China now utterly dominates Africa. They are getting cozy with the Saudi’s (Thanks, Brandon.). Thanks to the WEF, they wield inordinate power in Europe. And they now sit on all the soil our troops bled into in Afghanistan. They hold the Bagram Air Base Brandon gave away.

No wait…did you think the Taliban would be the prime beneficiaries of our withdrawal? Don’t be ridiculous, they’re still stuck in the Dark Ages. Along with our airfield and the equipment we left behind, Xi Jinping will have access to all the critical raw materials, which have to date, gone unexploited in the region.

The ChiComms will go about their business of raping the resources of the country while the Taliban run around beating women and fighting each other. They know not to mess with a single Chinese laborer. They know if the did China would grind them into a fine paste.

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The irony is China hates Muslims. They imprison them, use them as slave labor and harvest their organs for sale on the open market. But in Afghanistan, they paid them to run the Yankee off and now the locals are told to keep to themselves.

So, while I hope the end of China as an international player is true, as Peter says in the video above, I can’t yet imagine them not using their stooges in the WEF and around the world to keep them on top.

For more on this subject, follow the Political Party Pooper Play Book.

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And this is how your government dithers in the meantime!

Do the people in power really care about preferred pronouns?

Do they think the trans fad is real?

Do our political whores REALLY want to end the chip problem?

The border crisis?

The baby formula problem?

Do our present Congressional leaders and White House officials support a healthy free market?

Do they give a rat’s ass about free speech?

Do you think they have the guts and the skill to thwart ChiComm influence and power inside our own borders?

Do you think they even want to?

I could fill a phone book with those kinds of questions. And if you answered yes to any of those questions you are woefully under-informed.

The answer to the challenges in the segment above, and the only hope for the USA today, is to get back VERY QUICKLY to a robust free market economy supported by constitutional principles. Those principles DO NOT include a government hand in every pocket or Corporate cronies scooping up truckloads of OUR MONEY!

And they certainly don’t include the annual spending orgies BOTH PARTIES in congress engage in every year. In the video below Senator Rand Paul takes up some of the spending in the Omnibus spending bill. He also argues for a more responsible, LEGAL approach to taxing and spending.

When you hear the sillier programs our money is being pissed away on, you may be tempted to say, as I was, well, that’s not a lot of money. A few million here or there, what’s the big deal.


The big deal is it’s always JUST a little or ONLY X amount no matter how much is being spent or how stupid the spending. It’s the same overarching philosophy to take your money and give it away to buy votes. Whether on a retail level (a few hundred thousand to inject dogs with cocaine) or wholesale (throwing hundred of billions of our dollars at worthless green scams run by cronies) the process is the same. And at no time is your real welfare considered. They just want more to throw around at your expense. It is the same lack of moral fiber that has political whores thinking are entitled to take our money and give it to someone else. The more ludicrous the small theft, the more you know the people managing the broader theft DO NOT have your interests at heart.

In the case of leadership in both parties in both houses, they couldn’t care less if their constituents fell in a sink hole, just as long as they get out by next election and Congress can take credit for spending half a trillion dollars to prevent sinkholes.

There is a never-ending battle over the budget. But it is never about shrinking the budget. It is all about who gets to spend more. If you spend $300 billion on this program, you have to vote for my $390 billion on that program or I won’t vote for your program.

And the process is an absolute insult to all of us. Every year they start with what is called baseline budgeting. Before they even start to debate on a year’s spending, an arbitrary figure is added to last year’s spending, usually around 7%. Across the board everybody gets a bump. This was true even during the Trump years where demand on welfare and food stamps, for example went down, considerably. Still everything was plussed up before creating an actual budget. In fact most of those years were run by continuing resolutions. Has anyone checked those figures, all shoved through at the last minute without anyone reading the bills? That’s illegal, by the way. But no matter, you don’t have time to worry about this stuff.

Also, Joe Duh claims he’s created more jobs than any president in history. So, why are we not slashing the welfare state? In truth, he hasn’t. We have more working age adults on welfare, or parents’ money, than at any time in history. We are still clawing our way back to pre-Covid employment levels. That and any real growth that has occurred in the economy has been despite the damage Biden’s policies and the spending have done to us.

And this is setting in which the things the Revolt is fighting against are taking root - quickly! Most of the massive spending programs are in support of the unconstitutional lunacy oozing out of Davos. NONE of it will make this country stronger or more prosperous. Quite the opposite in fact.

And as I demonstrated earlier, these people are devoid of scruples and have no motivation to change. Perhaps it’s time we gave them the motivation. It’s simple. You do what we all do anyway. Now you can do it with an extra purpose - and very, VERY safely. By subscribing and browsing the site, you’ll learn what I mean by that. It is free and will remain so.

Before you tune into Rand Paul’s floor speech below, it is an important speech, do use any or all the buttons just above the video. Join us. Roll with us!

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