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Fall In Energy Revolt Podcast
Power, ego, money and a lack of an honest conscience. Plus LFTRs and SOTU.
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -35:33

Power, ego, money and a lack of an honest conscience. Plus LFTRs and SOTU.

Ep. 6 I think specifics abut the Davos cult are in order here.

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I made a road trip the other day. I had the magnets on the truck and did just over 50 on I-95 for about 20 miles on the way to Marine Base Quantico. If you know that stretch, when there is no heavy traffic, 50 MPH is like you are not moving. And I got some reaction! I few people saw the magnet and fell in behind me for miles. One vehicle, a Toyota pickup honked and waved as they fell out for exit 136. I wish I could have spoken to them to tell them to ride beside me. There was still a third lane open and the message would have been much more pronounced. So I’ll call that a small win. And it was fun.

We’ll talk more about the revolt in a bit.

About this podcast

I prefer to listen to podcasts while I walk. I will go out every few days and walk anywhere from 3 to 8 miles. Sometimes I listen to them for work, but my preference is while walking. So if you are exercising or doing house work or some kind of redundant activity, I think you’ll find this a good time to listen to the Revolt.

Continued from last week: Real Green solutions

Before I get to the Davos cult - the more you know about them, the better - I want to wrap up our discussion from last week regarding real energy solutions.

There is a fascinating and exciting technology that has been around for 70 years and can be used to fight the Green Scams and save the climate, to the extent it needs saving.

I have only heard one politician bring this up recently. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) was promoting the idea on a news appearance. I am talking about Liquid Fluorine Thorium Reactors (LFTR). There are variations under consideration in terms of matrix and fuel, but the process is simple. I believe it was Oak Ridge that had one going for years in the 50’s. It worked fine, but no one wanted to fund it because, as I said at the end of the previous episode, it produces no plutonium. Eventually they just shut it down and shelved the technology.


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...there are so many! I will not dive too deeply as the series must march on. But just consider this list. Then read up on LFTRs.  I believe Germany, Russia, China and India are working with this technology and India and China may have reactors already up and running.

  1. First, they are small affairs. They produce power, not as much as a traditional nuke plant, but you can build and operate several less expensively than a traditional plant. In 2015 proponents of the technology estimated it would cost $5-7 billion to work out the particulars and build the first plant. Thanks to the Biden Regime, it would now cost a little more, but still very doable. Each plant after that would cost less; far less over time.

  2. A LFTR, while performing its primary function, can burn off spent fuel from conventional nuclear reactors down to a tiny fraction of their present volume. Yucca Mountain = Solved!

  3. The proposed fuel for these units is thorium. We have massive deposits of it in this country, unless Hillary wants to sell them all to Russia and China to finance Chelsea’s political career. (It’s worth checking to find out if all the “farmland” China is buying here sits on Thorium-rich land. If so, give them the boot.)

  4. LFTRs can produce a medical isotope called Bismuth-213 or Bi-213. The product is highly valuable to diagnosticians around the world.

  5. A LFTR does not need water to cool the core. You can replace a massive wind farm with just one LFTR ANYWHERE and produce more power more reliably than the stupid wind farm. It would take two or three relatively small buildings that can even be tarted up to look appropriate to their surroundings. Do you remember that photo from the last episode?

  6. LFTRs don’t produce hydrogen. No hydrogen bubbles, no risk of hydrogen explosions.

  7. I’ve heard these units called “walk-away safe”. While I’d never recommend turning your back completely on a nuclear reaction, it is obvious the staff for a LFTR can be much smaller than the army it takes to run a conventional plant. The operating systems would be much safer and simpler.

  8. If a plant does overheat and has the LFTR equivalent of a meltdown, all the fuel and salt matrix drain into a containment tank under ground.  The salt cools and hardens.  The contents are fully contained.  Crisis over.

  9. I saved the big one for last. We hear from “greenies” all the time about the dreaded rise of oceans. It’s true; they’re rising a couple millimeters per year and have been doing so for 10,000 years. (I’m shuddering as I write this. At that rate, my house will be underwater in 2500 years!) But what of exploiting that frightening prospect? California is in a drought. In my 64 years I’ve never known parts of California not to be, but there you are. The climate nuts always blame the dryness there on Climate Change. But southern California has always been a dry place. They have been siphoning off water, valuable irrigation water, from neighboring states for a century. It’s high time they stopped, or at least curtailed the theft.  Read on, dear friends.

I propose strategically dotting the west coast with LFTRs. Considering how safe they are and the urgency of the need, we can ignore the NIMBY cries. This is a justifiable case for eminent domain if ever there was one. I did a rough calculation and it seems one LFTR can desalinate enough water from the ocean to produce 7% of what Los Angeles consumes every day. That reduction, reliably provided, would have a huge positive impact on the reservoirs that are presently being drained in the West to serve cities that never should have grown so large in the first place. Las Vegas can pay for two or three LFTRs and the pipeline to bring the water to them. The farmers along the Colorado River would be most grateful.

Northern California is also running out of water. It takes many gallons of water just to produce one almond. One! How many almonds do the respective trees produce? Almond farmers are sucking up an insane amount of water from a rapidly dying supply. It is most urgent Northern California start desalinating. And the present power grid can’t handle the job. That they haven’t already built several of these LFTRs and started fixing this problem is beyond me, and utterly inexcusable.

One final thought on areas like California. Let’s say they act like adults and build reliable desalination plants. Then, lo and hark, they have a rain boom. They suddenly get all the rain they need for a year. Well, yay. With a flick of a transfer switch, all the LFTRs start making the cleanest power known to man and feed the pathetic grid additional power.  Some LFTRs would be able to do that much of the time anyway, while desalinating!

And as a bonus, they sell the salt from the desalinization process. Maybe some mad scientist can figure out a way to seed the northern edges of natural machines like the Gulf Stream to keep them running strong. It seems fresh water from northern ice melts makes them weaker. That’s from Bjorn Lomborg.

So there you have it, the GOP green energy initiative.   Candidates and office-holders: If you don’t start pushing this idea today you are out of your friggin’ minds!  VOTERS:  If you don't start screaming for this to be developed NOW, then you deserve all the green scams and windmills that can be thrown at you!

The Cult

I am beginning a study of the work of Jeremy Griffith. He is a scientist who has devoted his life to solving the pitfalls of the Human Condition, which he describes as the conflict between our our genetic selves and our intellectual selves. I am sure that is an inadequate summation, but at this level, assuming you haven’t read it and I am only starting, it will suffice.

I will devote space to my journey through this work in a different venue. But I mention it because a quote from Jordan Peterson leapt off the page at me. And it is this statement, and two others, we will put into context here, today.

Speaking of the “Green” movement, Peterson said, “People have things within their personal purview that are difficult to deal with and that they’re avoiding. And generally the way to avoid them is by adopting pseudo-moralistic stances on large-scale issues, so they look good to their friends and neighbors.”

This was followed by a quote from Simply Living 1989 and TIME magazine 1993 respectively.

“The trees aren’t the problem. The problem is us”


“We need to do something about the environmental damage in our heads”

I am viewed as being on a larger-than-myself crusade of my own. I would be lying if I said I were 100% sure that isn’t the case. It was and is my intention to fight against those who wish to impose their social acceptance schemes on all of us. Not all fights are solipsistic. I believe mine is not (the keyboard warriors remind me of that every day). I believe the Davos (WEF)/ESG/Green movements, where they stand alone and where they intersect, are a combined communal exercise in solipsism and narcissism.

Consider that Peterson quote. Pause the audio and reread it if you need to.

Now multiply that notion by BILLIONS of dollars. And I think you have ONE of underlying motivations behind the cult members of the Davos loony bin. Where does an angry, bitter man like Soros go when he has everything but peace with himself?

How does a man who dresses like a Klingon (Klaus Schwab) entertain himself when there he has everything but a REAL challenge and an extremely high opinion of himself?

If you are Bill Gates and know only how to be a computer success and have billions of dollars to play with, and you crave even more acceptance from the world to justify what you have (maybe even get more), what do you do?

If you are a John Kerry, fading from the world’s concern, married to a LOADED woman, who was previouly married to a better man than you, how do you make your life interesting?

How about Al Gore? He peaked early and became a punchline. But if you figure out how to turn a phony social issue into a cash cow, who do you glom onto?

A slightly more obscure member of the Davos cult is Ezekiel “Zeke” Emanuel, AKA Screech for the 80’s kids. He’s on twitter and magazines advising people over 75 to forego medical treatment, even simple treatment (link at the end of the test). HE SAYS at 75 he won’t even accept antibiotics for illness. He’s lying.

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What they all have in common is that they are filling a void. They have absolutley every material thing they could want. No matter what THING they may acquire at this point would represent the value equivalent of a Christmas ornament. You take it out once a year, look at it and put it away.

Let me start with simpler examples, the well-to-do housewife or trust fund baby (this example is by no means limited to them). They are comfortable, they may not have a passion of their own to pursue. So they SEEK validation and try to be “worthy” of a good life. Often they aren’t looking inward here. The validation they crave comes from others.

And the easiest way to get that these days is through empty, emotional fads. A mother might start telling her son that he can be a girl. She may get empty praise from her wine and chesse group for it. So gutsy! IPhone boy might go “green” and pontificate about it to his friends. It’s recognition for something they didn’t do themselves. Often these people feel a sense of superiority over those who just “don’t get it.” It’s their version of power.

Not to be dismissed, a lot of people go on to at least some fame, often for the worst, starting like this.

Now multiply the wealth and social standing of these examples by thousands of times. And we are approaching the lives of those who now people the Davos cult, the WEF.

You’ve heard the saying Power is Money and vise versa. Both are true. If you have money you can exert power. The legitimacy of the power, especially in the case of Davos or the Mafia, is not automatic. If you already have power, say a House Speakership like Nancy the Mean Girl, the money comes pouring in.


Almost without exception, these are incredibly wealthy people. They have egos bigger than their bank portfolios. And they are looking to gather much more than money unto themselves. They want pure power over others. They need to justify their otherwise pointless, often corrupt lives and feel even more important than the accolades of the unwashed make them feel right now.

Ironically, along with their plans for power more money rolls toward them. It becomes a megalomaniacal cycle. They are the ultimate, hate-inspiring, Home Owners’ Association. An international, unelected HOA. And they are coming for more than your POW/MIA flag or your lawncare!

They feel utterly justified to step past national borders, laws and constitutions. Those things are for the insignificant people. These are the “select Human beings” and “the elites” of Davos. They KNOW how to run a planet and the sooner the little people learn that, and obey them, the better off the world will be.

Davos is nothing more than an organized crime group of insecure busy bodies, bent on acquiring power. Ultimately, some day, whether they succeed in destroying what’s left of the United States and Europe or not, they will all only have two enemies: each other and China. And as we are seeing, it is quite possible China has already hijacked the WEF.

But in the title, I did talk about a lack of a moral conscience. Let’s take one example. But this amoral fault runs through every member of the WEF cult.

John Kerry is no stranger to duplicitous ambition.

He grew up in a blue blood family in Massachusetts. He was such a blue blood that he needed elocution lessons to stop him talking like Thurston Howell III. His naked political ambitions were on full display, when after a stint in Vietnam, he tried to adapt the scruffy hippy look and pretend to throw his medals away as a protest against the war. He even made a snotty, sonorous appearance before congress as if her were the leading example of a hardened vet. I wonder who got him that gig. But the trick worked and it got him through the political door and allowed him to hobnob with the great and the good of the world.

His every event, from that day to this, has been a less than honest pursuit of money and power - power and money. He is the cult member who come up with the title “select group of human beings”. Now he sees himself as the environmental emperor of the planet. Pretty good work if you can get it.

And he is the hallmark, the poster boy, of everything the WEF represents. And he wants your house, your food and your gas stove. He and his family will always have the very best of all those things. But you will not!

In a future podcast, we’ll dig deeper into this weird cult world and see further into how they plan to “improve” every aspect of your life - while taking everything you own.

But I next I will look at the State of the Union Address. This ought to be fun and we’ll cover it right after this.

Why jump into the fight?

I’d like to dig deeper into the Revolt question with you. There are a few people on board. But I know there are a lot of people, many I know and many more I don’t, sitting on the fence about this idea.

You’re worried. I get it. Hey, I’m no Joe Rogan. If the Revolt has success, I could find myself de-platformed. The Regime that arrogantly engages in this kind of blatant censorship and political suppression is still in power. If we succeed, these jack wagons may hit back.

While I am not numb to those concerns, I would argue vociferously that these are the very reasons we need to succeed. There should be NO ONE in power in what we call the United States of America as corrupt and debase as the present Regime. And the people who help them, Big Tech and the WEF should be boxed in. We need them OUT of our lives.

So, yeah, even though nothing the Revolt is about is illegal or violent, it is INTENDED to make life difficult for the Regime. To be involved will take a bit of guts.

The process: Join us. Ride slow (mark your cars or don’t. That’s your decision). And find two people who share the same concerns we do. And that’s it.

All of us know dozens who fit that description, from JFK liberals to Trump loyalists.

Can the oppressors hit back? Sure. But if we employ the power of duplication in building our numbers, we will have a voice. We will be a force with which they must come to terms.

By my guess that would require the participation of a million riders. If we were all to find two people to ride with us and new folks repeated that process every day, we’d be well past a million within a month.

So look at your kids and grand kids, look at your retirement savings and the value of your home. Look at your freedom to travel as you wish. Then tell me if the fight isn’t worth it.

Featured here is a list of insane restrictions, including travel restrictions, Brandon’s handlers are seriously planning for you.

Also, I am going to adjust earlier posts and state now that the goals of the revolt are down to just two.

The first is to rid the nation of ESG partially through pressure on the federal government but primarily by really leaning on state governments. Several states have already joined the fight. How we will do that will become clear as you join and watch the Revolt unfold.

The second is to get our domestic energy sector running at full potential. Drill, baby, Drill! Drill here! Drill NOW!

We will just follow the simple formula. Join, find two folks you know to join and drive very, very safely. Browse this Substack to get the particulars, but basically that’s the Revolt in action. We’ll need numbers to have rallies.


The State of the Union Address.

I decided I would go through the points of the speech and just pick out the lies and pull them apart until I had what would seem a complete podcast. I am laughing as I write this. I am at 00:00:37 in.

There are two lies here. One implied and one stated. Joe talks about how we always emerge from a crisis stronger than when the crisis started. The implication is that we are stonger now than before the Chinese Crud. That’s an absurd statement. We have yet to endure additional years of inflation the Covid and post Covid spending orgy will cause. Our present economic picture is a sick sister compared to the economy built during the previous administration and started again, post-Crud.

Withing the same 37 seconds, Brandon again claims that he and the Congress created 12 million jobs. I could write a book on how much is wrong with this statement. But I’ll just hit two points.

First, except for the cancerous growth of the Federal beast and subsidized cronies, the government creates NO JOBS. The BEST government can do is get out of the way so jobs can be created. Biden and his puppeteers have done no such thing. Quite the opposite, they are bringing in job killing, soul destroying ESG programs at blinding speed.

If you are a reader of the Revolt I don’t have to tell you the damage that is doing. If you are not, consider being one. You NEED to know about ESG.

Second, almost all of the new hires occurring in this administration are returnees, or replacements for jobs and careers destroyed permanently by the Stalinist reaction to the Wuhan Red Death. We are far from the levels of employment we enjoyed just a few years ago. And the non-participation rate among working age men is at crisis levels. They aren’t counted in unemployment numbers (U-3). They eventually get dropped from (U-6) numbers as well. So any talk of “creating new jobs” is nonsense.

We’re now at 00:01:14. The dishonesty here is just spouting the standard Covid propaganda. Covid NEVER controlled anyone lives as Brandon implies. The CDC, an un-elected group of medical bureaucrats, were given unprecedented power to disrupt our lives and our economy, and state governments jumped on the bandwagon seizing enormous power with both tacit and active assistance of the federal government. The concept of censorship and condemnation of ANYONE who questioned the new gods, like Fauci, became the bedrock upon which the unwinding of the American experiment is now based.

I let Brandon get away with a laundry list of propaganda until 00:04:12. There was a lot packed into that 3 minutes. But then he spoke of how the middle class was hollowed out by previous administrations. There is a nugget of truth to this. That’s the key to a really good line of BS. Kudos to the amoral flacks who wrote the speech.

There were three times in recent history where the middle class gained its greatest ascendancy. One was under JFK, one under Ronald Reagan and the third was under the Trump administration. And the two levers to that strength was lowering taxes and just getting the government the hell out of the way of the people that actually keep this economy going.

I am writing this as the speech unfolds. I did not watch it live. But I can say with confidence that the programs or philosophy of governance Biden will roll out will be the exact opposite of what helps the economy or the middle class. The taxes and spending these power freaks ALWAYS espouse are the very reason we have to keep rebuilding the middle class every 8 to 12 years.

And, oh crap! 00:04:27. The most nauseating platitude this guy has pushed is the idea of building and economy from the “bottom up and the middle out”. He keeps using it because that’s how total BS becomes “truth” and because it polls well. He also thinks it’s pithy. But it polls well for one reason, respondents are ignorant. There is no such thing as building an economy in any sense of that incredibly stupid phrase. And the Democrats since before FDR, have never done anything significant that didn’t make life harder on the bottom and the middle. If you think Brandon’s silly phrase makes sense, slap yourself and stop watching MSNBC.

At 00:05:12 Old Joe just repeats the employment con again. So I’ll repeat we have a catastrophic non-participation rate. The U-3 number is a pure fabrication. Even the U-6 is intentionally misleading.

Where is it written, Duh asks at 00:05:42, that America can’t have manufacturing jobs here? He complains that we have exported jobs. The job “exports” have been he result of taxes and regulation, along with government propping up labor in opposition to the actual drivers of economic growth (except for the cronies who are exempt from the interference). Corporate taxes are 98% illusion. They are paid by you, the consumer. Regulations always start with ideals then immediately evolve into power grabs and expensive, administrative monstrosities. And with the help of the government, unions across the country have priced themselves out of their own jobs. But no worries. The mobbed up union bosses are loaded!

At 00:07:50 (I am going easy on this guy!) He talks of our losses in computer chip manufacturing. Refer to previous paragraph. The Chip and Science Act will be a boondogle for cronies and big banks. It will be a bureaucratic nightmare for anyone who tries to make chips under the act. There’s no such thing as an efficient, hands-off government program. It will be heavily amended SOON or it will fail miserably.

I let Joe prattle on itemizing the previous BS. Then at 00:10:50 he goes all phony George Patton about infrastructure. There is no doubt American Infrastructure needs a shot in the arm. But it won’t come from the Infrastructure Bill. Al Gore already dropped a truth poopie at Davos explaining how the Infrastructure Bill is actually a “green” scam bill.

The Bill only has about 20% devoted to infrastructure, and much of that is called “social infrastructure” which means not infrastructure. So scoring it kindly, only about 15 - 20% of the bill goes where the political whores say it will go. The rest goes to more handouts and “green” scams.

You can browse this website to learn more about the countless green scams you will be subject to now and in the future.

The bill for fixing bridges and highways, ya know, infrastructure, was estimate at $700B in the early Obama years. This bill Joe is talking about spends about $300B out of a $1.7T package. And since it is a Dem bill it will be LOADED with pork and red tape. Thanks, guys!

I am nothing, if not fair. When busting on Republicans who voted against the pretend infrastructure law who are now asking for funds for projects, Joe’s writers handed him a good line. He said they would still get the money and he would see them “at the groundbreaking.”

Sadly, like Obama’s stimulus package, this bill will be out of money long before any real impact will be made, at which point the political whores will be back at the trough snorting for more.

My man gave me a perfect example of what I just wrote above. At 00:13:36 Joe has Sarah standing in the gallery. Sarah is in the iron workers union. She can’t wait to be “10 stories above the Ohio river” building a bridge with the new money.

But if that bridge ever gets started - no guarantees there as Joe said they were going to TRY to do it - wait until you see the cost overruns from all the underbids and the compliance costs and union strikes that plague the project. Yeah. The $300B+ will get eaten up real quick. Then Oliver will be back with his bowl and sad face.

So, here we are, less than a quarter hour into a speech of one hour and ten minutes. Joe was interrupted repeatedly by imbecilic applause so we’re only about 10 minutes in. And just doing the shortest analysis of each lie we have filled half of a rather long podcast.

Perhaps I’ll revisit the speech and spoil the dreams of the Left further. They hate being questioned. But for now I must move on.

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