Welcome Aboard!
Have you ever looked at our economy, politics, policies and your bank balance and thought, “If only there was a way regular people could TAKE BACK the country from the corrupt power brokers! If only I could feel like I had more control over my own life!”
Well, if so, you have opened a significant door by clicking on my link. You might just have found a way to at least make your state government, and the…people…who “represent” us in DC, uncomfortable at the way they’ve shirked in their duty.
We will push, cajole and possibly even shame them into rethinking the trends that are forming up to wreck what little personal liberty we have left.

And while you will see that the basic idea is truly easy to pursue, the time to start is now. The first candle has been lit. Now we must build a bonfire. Making them squirm before Congress sits in January ‘23 would be ideal.
Just do what you already do every day!…But slowly.
Do you remember the Trucker convoys, the brave one in Canada, and the rather lame one in the US? Imagine that happening on a varying scale every day in every major city, especially state capitals and DC.
You can make that happen with three simple steps:
Action. Every day, on your regular commute (or just a day or two per week), morning or evening, drive VERY SAFELY, 10 mph below the speed limit (or the legal minimum posted speed). We’re talking interstates and main roads - not residential or rural routes. Depending on your schedule, just do that for about 20 minutes. If you have a 5 minute commute, take a little (very safe and very slow) tour of the area.
Growth. Have you ever heard of the concept of taking a penny and doubling it 30 times? You probably have. If not I’ll cut to the bottom line. Double one penny every day for 30 days and you will have over one million dollars. Not pennies - DOLLARS. So your second step is to find two people IN YOUR AREA who share your views of the world who are willing to join us and find two more, then those people find two more who find two more and so on. The explosive growth will start with the first person who commits to the concept. (By all means, share aggressively on social media and encourage everyone to join.)
The Team. Subscribe to this Newsletter for updates and information. It’s free right now. Even when it goes paid, you’ll still receive critical notifications.
Even though tomorrow, you may be driving around thinking, well, this isn’t much, don’t worry. As the numbers expand out like ripples in a pond there will suddenly be thousands and then tens of thousands doing the same thing.
Our goal is to find millions.
We’ll have news and ideas frequently. For now, to get things up and running I will be posting and putting out video like a madman. Then I’ll go down to one or two spots a week along with extra fun and silly stuff just to keep it light.
And when the numbers are there, the rallies will be a thing to behold!!!