Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF): You can change all of this. You can breath more freely and be feel better about who you are as an American. If you already know your country is a soup sandwich, and want to do something about it, scroll to the GET IN THE DAMN FIGHT button and roll with us.
Every American needs to listen to this floor speech by Chip Roy (below). Because it is YOUR fault! I am speaking of the electorate as a whole. YOUR Fault!
Sure, 90% of the House and Senate are bastards, whores. But you are the people who put them there! You did it because you are weak and want to vote everyone else’s money unto yourself. OR you did because you have no clue of 5th grade civics. OR, worst of all, you did it because you just didn’t feel like voting.
I will allow that the 17th Amendment did some of the damage.
I will allow that we don’t know how much participation is required to overcome the graft we call vote counting in this country. But I know we never come close.
![Twitter avatar for @RepChipRoy](
I’ve been saying it at for years; the proper legislative process is NOT senior Senate aides taking dictation from special interests, negotiating with the White House and dropping a giant pile of shit on the legislature for an up or down vote. No debate. No amendments. That is not the process in the United States of America.
That’s the process in the corrupt, totalitarian shell of what once was the USA. That’s the sham process in a country that is no longer a representative republic.
In DC we have a handful of un-elected slimeballs who broker power among a handful of worthless, but elected, scumbags. They have two missions:
1. Find out where to throw money, as unproductively as possible, that will result in the most votes from grateful proles. That list is almost endless because the government has successfully broken our society into shallow tribes. The majority of us are waiting with our pathetic gobs gaping, screeching like baby birds in our separate tribal nests for our pathetic share of the government dole. Not exactly a picture of proud Americans.
2. Take legislation, WRITTEN BY THE BENEFICIARIES OF THE LEGISLATION (big tech, big pharma, investment bankers, etc.) and pile all that into a bill. That bill is then rubber stamped by the other 500 odd “representatives of the people.”
At no time in that process is the good of the American People (big picture) considered. The consideration is always WHO DO I HAVE TO WHORE MYSELF FOR? Or WHAT IS THE SPEAKER ORDERING ME TO VOTE FOR?
The only time you hear dissent is when the damage is done and the honest few, like Chip Roy are left yelling at the backs of the whores as they giggle behind their hands and head for their flights home.
As an aside: have you noticed how many of these shit piles hit the floor for a vote hours before a scheduled recess? That’s not a coincidence.
But this CAN change. YOU can change it. You can feel… American again.
You don’t have to burn buildings or attack cops, like the scumbags do. You don’t have to loot or riot. But you do have to get in the fight. And the key to the fight is moving athwart the system. Take actions that will force or shame our legislators into serious action.
And that starts here. You join the Revolt, subscribe for free, drive slow and find two people who will do that too. That’s the whole process!
Thanks, Ron, for turning my on to Chip Roy.